Falling injuries are some of the most common types of injuries. Falling injuries are generally lumped into two categories, the “trip and fall” and the “slip and fall.” Trip and fall injuries occur when a person falls over an object on the ground or a piece of uneven ground. Slip and fall injuries are when a person slips on an item or liquid left on the ground. While many falls lead to just small bumps and bruises, people can be seriously harmed by falling. If a person falls on his or her back, it is possible to get a concussion or a traumatic brain injury. A face-forward fall can lead to broken wrists, knee abrasions, broken legs, or face injuries. If you do not act quickly to find an attorney, videos of a fall injury at a store could be destroyed and you may not be able to prove your case. In addition, there are time limits put onto injury cases. If you wait too long you cannot get money no matter how bad your injuries are. The lawyers at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett in Schaumburg, Illinois can help guide your through your injury claim. To contact a Illinois personal Injury attorney call us at 847-352-6226 or use our contact form for a call back during normal business hours, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
ATTORNEY ADVERTISING DISCLOSURE: Please note that the information on this website is not and cannot be considered legal advice. The website contains advertising information for the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett. Reading this website does not create an attorney-client privilege and the materials you are reading are not legal advice. Please be advised that the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett and its attorneys cannot be held liable for any statutes of limitations that run out before you talk to an attorney at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett. You as the reader must be aware that if you do not contact an attorney quickly any claims you have may be barred by law. To contact an attorney at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett in Schaumburg, IL to get legal advice, either use the contact form in the navigation panel or call 847-352-6226.