Our real estate lawyers can help you through the toughest real estate problems, including problems with title...
There are hundreds and hundreds of problems that can happen with real estate. If you are buying or selling a home, these problems can become very scary very fast. At the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett we have been helping clients with real property disputes for 35 years. We have seen most every type of real estate problem that can occur and we know how to help you. To schedule a consultation with our real estate lawyers about your real estate problems call us at 847-352-6226 or use our contact form for a call back during normal business hours, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Here are many of the common questions we get about real property problems...
What do I do if I have a contract that your seller or buyer wont honor? The real estate lawyers at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett may be able to help you make the other party sell or buy.
What if there is a title defect that won’t allow you to sell or buy? The real estate attorneys at the Law Office of Franklin J Furlett know how fix these problems. Give us a call at 847-352-6226
What if I owe back taxes on a property? What about if the property taxes on the property have been sold? The real estate lawyers at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett are glad to assist you with these problems.
What if the house itself sits in the wrong spot on the property or isn't on the property? Building line encroachments and violations are when the building itself is not placed on the property in the right way. We can help you with even these complex real estate problems. The attorneys at the Law Office of Franklin J. Furlett can help protect you from liability.
What if my property parcel doesn't match the title? This is a tricky problem, but we know what to do to solve this problem. We have actually seen this before. Call us: 847-352-6226
What do I do if I signed a real estate deal but I can’t get a mortgage? Our real estate lawyers can help you protect your earnest money and save you from a costly lawsuit. Contact us to set up an appointment
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